

We’re a mother & son team with many years of experience in visual design, web development, marketing and photography. We are now retired from web development after 25 years in the business, and are working as full-time portrait photographers. We invite you to browse through this legacy site and enjoy the body of work we created for our clients over the years.

If you are interested in booking a photography session, please visit us at

you can relax

During the many years in which we have been creating web sites, one thing has consistently come to our attention: many clients feel somewhat intimidated by the Internet, its technologies, and its new terminology. In most cases it's simply "fear of the unknown". At DivaDev, we take time to answer your questions, carefully explain each step along the way, and remove the air of "mystery" from the whole process. Breaking it down into small chunks and explaining things in laymen's terms puts our clients at ease every time. Nothing very scary here.

smaller = better

DivaDev is a small, family-based company, because we happen to think smaller is better when it comes to building web sites. It means you receive personable, friendly service. It also means we have a limited number of openings for new projects. If you feel we may be a good fit, please get in touch to discuss your vision and needs. We'll explain the process, answer any questions you may have, then present a plan with a customized quote. By the time we're finished (and it won't take long), you'll feel empowered and confident in presenting your organization's web site to the world.

getting things done

Some meetings are necessary; most are not. Larger design firms require constant meetings just to keep everyone "in the loop" and on the same track. That's precious time they could have spent actually working on your web site. Here at DivaDev, we'd rather work than talk about working. Knowing the right questions to ask new clients and carefully listening to their answers helps us avoid unnecessary staff meetings and costly mistakes. We also don't take on more work than we can handle, making each client a V.I.P. priority. We're here to get things done, on time.

no surprises

Many web developers will offer up an "estimate" for the job. By the time the project is finished, you can find yourself paying hundreds or thousands in additional hidden fees. When we offer a price quote for a project, that is the fee you will pay when the project is finished. In the case that you decide you want to add features to your site that were not included in the initial quote, those additions will represent a price increase- but that will be carefully explained to you before the additional work is undertaken. It's called integrity.